Thursday, March 5, 2009

Matt's 1st Ice Hockey Game

It was the University of Delaware vs. the US Naval Academy at the Newark, Delaware location. It was the last home game of the season. Several of my coworkers were going on and on about how they love the cheap seats at the hockey games. I couldn't stand it anymore. I've never been to an Ice Hockey game, but love to watch the sport especially during the Olympics. I asked Matt if he wanted to go and bring a friend along. We took his best friend, Chandler McNiel with us and had a blast. Almost 13 years old, Matt is really into sport spectatorship, and not so much into the theatre interest as in the past. The score was 5-1 with the U of D winning. He was not only happy with the score, but was surprised when a fight broke out between the two teams as the jerseys were being torn from each other. During the three hour game, we had seats right behind the players. Afterwards, we went out for a nice dinner and talked about how the players looked. I was amazed at how they could move so fast with all the padding? They were amazing athletes! Hope you are enjoying the last few weeks of winter!

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