Thursday, October 2, 2008

Food for Thought

Food for Thought: illustrations connecting food and land

There are days when you are inspired by others and their talent. Martha Pileggi is one of many 800 talented people I get to rub elbows with at work. By day she an Administrative Assistant; after 5pm she is an Ar-tist! In the last 6 months she painted over 50 amazing pieces for a show using oils, watercolors and etchings.

She works on up to 6 paintings at a time. It was so exciting to have her stop by almost every week and update me on what she was working on and how it made her feel. She talked about her own perspective on how she was painting her subjects: eggs, cows, eggplant, grapevines, and the country landscapes.

One particular day, she told me she was driving past a farm in a snowstorm and it was so gorgeous she had to get a picture so she could paint it later. So while driving 60 mph, not wanting to slow in the snow, she kept one hand on the steering wheel and one on her digital camera, shooting through the window. Passion!

I love her because of her passion, her talent, and the world's view through her eyes. Last night I went to her opening and slowly studied the paintings she had talked about. It certainly made me appreciate the lovely paintings ever so more!!

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

wow, talent...pure talent