When school began I was already for homecoming because, I wanted to twirl my flag. All the other years, I felt as if I wanted to hide behind it. However, I couldn't wait. My good friend Jamie, the high school theatre/drama teacher, SOH thespian, and newlywed which moved to PA this summer. She will no longer be at Smyrna High, but has finally graduated from divorce' and single mother to wife/step parent/spouse. She is a new stepmother to two terrific twin teenage boys, and an exchange student from China. I couldn't imagine starting off the year with these kids without Jamie. I asked her to come down and twirl with me. After all, she was the former SHS Regiment of Red's bandfront leader and choreographer as well.

Wow, after my sixth spin, I realized that they doubled the time on the song.....and I had missed my stop. So I stopped my pole and went the other direction for another sixth spin. I completely missed my stop but not on purpose. I was trying to keep up as the music was faster and faster. Next my broom sweeps from above my head to below...forget it. Two more beats and the music stopped, and so did my flagpole. I was out of breath, and complete red from trying to keep up.
As soon as we faced right to march off the field, I started giggling and couldn't stop. Who cares, I thought! That was amazing....so much fun. Jamie and I gathered the other flags from the others and put them in the shed. We continued our grownup discussion on her return plans, and said goodbye. However, the next day, I was surprised to get the fun photos.
I felt like a Senior ~ all over again!

It certainly is a blessing to live in a small hometown community where everybody knows your name.
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