Matthew started off his morning, determined to go swimming with Wyatt even though his family had other plans. He walked over a mile up to Sky Farm in the morning heat followed by bothersome biting black flys. When he arrived, Aunt Fran phoned me that he had survived the walk and was gulping down a glass of water! He stayed and visited with the family. I remember visiting back and forth between my grandparents houses walking up and down the road all summer long. The hill has so many lovely homes that have different scenic views of the mountains and lake.
I went to the New Vineyard Library to email coworkers, friends and family. Even though I was on vacation, I needed to keep in contact with one of my coworkers that had been hurt in a motorcycle accident. I was thankful that Franklin County has several public venues to do so. Tracy was helping with story time and let me use her computer pass. Since the Merta's had plans that day, I picked up Matt and we spent the day at camp, swimming in Porter Pond again enjoying the fresh water during the heat of the day! Before we left, Matt had fun driving his cousins 4-wheeler. He'd always wanted to try it, but in Delaware there really isn't any open land to ride unless you have it!

In the evening, we returned to Sky Farm and the Addicott family for dinner. Again, more singing and great conversation! Again, Chloe had to ask Besse to stay out of the frog pond. Of course, she didn't - it was too cool. Every chance I had, I sat with Grandma and told her how much I loved her. I explained what an influence in my life she had been while I was growing up. My love of music and meeting new and interesting people was a big part of her life that she passed to me. As we gathered around a song of grace was sung and we moved to the dining room.

Viewing the splendid sunset and talking about our days activities, we devoured the porkchops, tortellini salad, and a nice big green salad. Watermelon for dessert is perfect for those hot summer days without air conditioning. As the evening wore down, we all sat in the living room reciting "In my Grandmother's attic I found...." memory game from A-Z. Towards the end, everyone including Grandma new each and every item!
Another Perfect Summer Day in Maine!
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