It was Sunday and I set my alarm for 6 a.m. I had a quiet morning getting ready to go with my Uncle Pete and Aunt Fran
Addicott to hear them sing in a church choir. After I was dressed I went out on the front porch and watched the fog slowly slide off the mountains to show the glass mirrored lake. It felt as if nature had allowed me to watch it dress for the day. It was a cool 58F with a nice light breeze. I could hear the leaves rustling and the crickets chirping very low. As I peered through the white birches, I was happy that the mountain road was still made of gravel. The spiders pulled up their webs from the night before. What a beautiful morning! I was so thankful that my Heavenly Father made it possible for me to have the funds, arrive safely, and be present in Maine at this particular time in my life.
The church was located in Weld, ME where I had once hiked Mount Blue. It was the church's 200th year anniversary. The Weld congregational church was first organized on August 17, 1809 with 18 members. The visiting choir was a combination of college, other surrounding church choir, and community choral members. It's Director was a member of the Weld community and church for a number of years. According to the minister, the church was using a tape recording of music because they didn't have a choir or pianist. The music was beautiful and well performed. I was so proud to have my family members deliver the musical gift. I was also happy to be present at the bicentennial event. After the service, a homemade light lunch of deli salads, delicious baked beans, and tempting desserts was prepared by the church members and all were invited to share in the meal and fellowship downstairs in the dining hall.

Matthew woke up later in the morning while I was at church. He went with Mary, Wyatt, and Chloe to the
Addicottage on the lake to swim. They spent all afternoon laughing and playing in the water. It was the first time he met Jerry and Sue Ellen

After church, I stopped by to see Tracy
Ladd, my cousin (13 days older than me) at the other side of the lake at the
Bigelow Cottage. She had no idea I was coming to Maine. I left
Facebook messages on her daughter's (Molly) wall but she had been working all week and hadn't had the opportunity to tell her. It was great to see her eyes fly open. She was having a yard sale and waved thinking I was an interested customer. She dropped what she had in her arms, and yelled " BARBIE?" as I slowly got out of the car with a big smile. Her husband Hal asked me if I had dropped from the sky? We laughed and spent about an hour catching up. It had been six years since I last saw her. We agreed to spend the day together the next day.

Back to Herrick Mt. Road for rejoin my
Addicott family for dinner! As I drove up the gravelly bumpy road to Sky Farm, I reminisced about the years my sister and I would walk between the
Bigelow's and
Addicott's homes. We spent some nights at Sky Farm, or with Tracy, or at the Rick, or down at camp. As I entered Sky Farm, I sat down at the piano and played some jazz tunes as Fran and Mary sang along while preparing dinner. Matt was playing
badminton with Wyatt and Chloe, and Uncle Pete was sitting with Grandma out on the porch. Within the hour, we were holding hands around the dinner table as we asked for blessings on our family and the food! A beautiful salmon dinner with lemon rice and snap peas from the garden were presented. A nice discussion of family members from across the miles we wished were with us, music, spiritual beliefs, and past summer days came to an end when Grandma became tired and the sun rested between the mountains! It was time to retire to
Giggleswick once again! I didn't want to the evening to end. I wanted giggle about the different loud gulping frog sounds coming from the pond with my sister.....
Where had the day gone?
1 comment:
very nice...it is always good to see friends and family you have not seen in a while
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