Sunday, October 4, 2009

Raingutter Regatta!

Last month, my church's Cub Scout Pack 635 had their Raingutter Regatta. I love being a Den Leader. I work with a great Cub Master, Jon Kemp, who is very supportive and leads the Pack amazingly considering his busy work schedule and family responsibilities. My helper, Nancy Foxwell, is also willing to come and do whatever she is asked to do. Our Cub Scout boys range from ages 8 to 10 years old. They have lots of energy and love to learn.

When I'm with them, I love to see their wide eyes and smiles. It's my hour to play and get excited right along with them. The regatta is very similar to the Pinewood Derby except the boat is already carved and they float in water! This year we gave them straws to use to help direct their boats. They are not allowed to touch the boat with their hands. They can only use their breath to move the boat. Adults stand by to help direct the boats when they stick to the side of the gutter or tip over. It was so fun to watch them race and see the parents getting involved. If you can not view the video, it is because you are being blocked from it. Hope you can view these precious faces.

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